There Are Plenty of Jobs Out There In Canada. Why Aren’t Canadians Filling Them? [See Why]

Work In Canada
Canada High Resolution Job Concept

Canada currently has thousands of job vacancies yet some Canadians are still not filling the job positions, how is this possible? We have put together this well-detailed article to explain and give reasons for such occurrence. Canada is known to be one of the countries with a high employment rate thereby having a low unemployment rate.

For this reason, lots of individuals tend to migrate to Canada as there are lots of job opportunities. However, Canadians are not filling lots of this vacant space which gets people asking “why aren’t Canadians filling them?”

People say it’s all because of the pandemic but, it’s not all the pandemics’ fault. True, the pandemic played its role but there are more to it. So, in this article, we talk about the kind of jobs available in Canada, why there are staff shortages, and why Canadians aren’t filling up the job positions.

What Kind Of Jobs Are Available In Canada?

There are lots of jobs available in Canada, we have listed a few of them and their pay.

#1. Web Developer

Web developers work for various firms by using client-server models to develop a world wide web application.

The average salary is $69,000

#2. Human Resources (HR) Managers

Human resources managers have the responsibility of recruiting the right talent for companies and businesses in Canada. HR manager is yet another most in-demand job in the Country.

Human resources managers earn an average of $89,000.

See Also: Human Resources Assistant | What They Do, Salary, Required Skills and More.

#3. Electrical Engineers

Electrical engineers are vital in the modern economy. Also, Electrical engineers analyze, specify, design, construct and test electrical systems and components and are in charge of their safe operations. A

n average salary of $91,000.

#4. Veterinarians

The love of pets is on a whole new level in Canada. Canadians love pets and many are owners of different kinds of pets, ranging from dogs, cats, and other domestic animals. However, it is the most in-demand job in Canada for several years due to the shortage of veterinarians in Canada.

The average salary of $95,000.

#5. Financial Advisor

Financial advisors advise families, individuals, and business owners on how to manage their money. Also, financial advisors who work at a bank improve the products and services of the financial institution.

The average salary of $62,000.

#6. Pharmacy

Pharmacists cooperate with programs and services that are formulated to promote well-being and health. A pharmacist can erect a career path by working in a drugstore or a hospital or starting a pharmacy.

Pharmacists have been one of the highest-paying, most in-demand jobs in Canada over the past years. Earning an average pay of $45 per hour. So, if a pharmacist works for a total of 12 hours per day for a year, they could earn an average of $129,600 yearly.

#7. Welder

One of the perks of working as a welder is that you do not necessarily require a college degree or university but you still get well paid. Welders are frequently among the most in-demand jobs in Canada

To improve your possibility of getting employed as a welder, you can master the skill of underwater welding, which mandates you to be a good swimmer and not have aquaphobia.

#8. Merchandiser

Merchandisers typically work for retail stores (e.g. Canadian Tire, Walmart, Real Canadian Superstore) and decides on which new inventory/stock to bring in and how it should be displayed on the store shelves.

The average salary is $48,000.

See Also: 20 Canadian Jobs That Don’t Need a Degree But Still Pay Well.

#9. Driver

There are different categories of drivers, from truck drivers, forklift drivers, delivery drivers, and long-haul drivers. If you can drive a commercial vehicle, then you have a great chance of getting a job in Canada as well.

#10. Account Manager

People who erect a career in the accounting field are usually meant to have expertise in building client relationships, either from the already existing or prospective client base. Most account managers in Canada earn a base salary plus commission.

There is an enormous demand for account managers in different industries, ranging from banking, sales, marketing,  and information technology to consulting. The key to becoming a prosperous account manager is the ability to build healthy relationships and bonds with clients.

#11. Project Manager

People in this field are needed in various sectors ranging from sales, engineering, marketing, and more. The virtue of their job needs them to be flexible and possess an ability to work in different areas of expertise in managing people or budgets.

For years, being a project manager has been one of the most in-demand jobs in Canada. To improve the possibility of you getting hired as a project manager, you would have a Project Management Professional certification.

#12. Software Engineer

The demand for software engineering experts has skied in recent years. Most people think of software engineers as people who work only for tech companies, but this isn’t limited just to the tech companies, but to every company, as they have to rely on mobile and web apps, computer programs, and the software is designed by software engineers.

See Also: How To Become An Embedded Software Engineer | Job, Salary, Required Skill And Interview Questions.

A software engineer in Canada is expected to learn and master coding and app design.

#13. Industrial Electrician

The amount paid as salaries to industrial electricians differs in regions and territories in Canada. The industrial electricians who work in Ontario, British Columbia,  and Manitoba have the highest pay compared to those in other territories in Canada.

Average Salary $83,671

#14. Optician

About 71% of the Canadian populace use eyeglasses and as people tend to interact more with electronic screens from desktop, mobile, and television, the multitude of people who are affected with eye problems is on the rise daily. This increase needs to conform to the available opticians in Canada.

See Also: How To Migrate To Canada As A Truck Driver

The requirements to become an optician in Canada are to pass the National Optical Sciences Examinations and register in your provincial or territorial regulatory body.

#15. Receptionist

A receptionist is meant to have great customer service and client relationship skills that cut across the non-verbal and verbal forms of communication professionally. This role also requires you to have great knowledge of operating a computer and multitasking is an extra advantage, as it makes the job seem less time-consuming even while interacting face to face with clients.

Why is There a Staff Shortage in Canada?

Shortage of staff affects Production and rendering of services which is a nightmare for every company or organization. However, some company decides to short their staff due to bankruptcy or other related company issues. This is not the case in Canada, a country with a growing economy facing staff shortages could be trouble. So, the question is this; Why is there a job shortage in Canada?

Below are some reasons why there is staff shortage in Canada

  • Not Enough Replacement
  • Wages Predicted to rise
  • Emigration
  • Availability of Remote jobs

Not Enough Replacement

While the old aged staff of 55 and older are currently existing in the workforce, there are not enough young people to fill in the workspace. Economists believe that the Covid 19 pandemic accelerated the early retirement of many older workers leaving their space empty and not much experienced individuals to fill the space.

Wages Predicted to Rise

According to Economists, this competitive current environment means employers in some sectors will need to raise wages if they hope to retain skilled employees.

Statistics data show that the minimum hourly rate at which job seekers consider before accepting a position surpasses the currently offered wage in nearly every section, whereas Canadian workers have historically been willing to settle for less. In summary, employers lose their workers due to not increasing the wages of their employees.


Just like every other country, citizens and workers tend to immigrate to other countries which in a way affects a company leaving the workspace of the individual vacant. However, this is not a major problem of staff shortage in Canada since the country tends to get more immigrants.

See Also: How To Apply For Work Permit In Canada

Availability of Remote jobs

The Covid 19 pandemic accelerated the work-from-home syndrome and gave time to individuals to acquire online skills. No one will want to go to an office while they can work from home and get paid handsomely. The availability of remote jobs has made office or on-site workers quit their jobs. Nothing feels good than airing at your own pace.

Why are jobs not being filled?

Some blame the situation on federal COVID-19 income supports like the Canada Recovery Benefit. Small businesses are having a tough time recruiting part-time workers as the pay may not amount up to their CRB.

As the CRB still pays $300 a week pre-tax. That is twice as much as the $150 someone would earn working 10 hours a week at $15 an hour, citizens and individuals no longer want to settle for less. As such some Canadians do not want to take their former jobs and seeking for higher-paying jobs.

However, employers still sticking to their minimum hourly pay leaves the job position vacant, and Canadians not filling them.

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