10 Things To Consider Before Choosing A Career Path.

Choosing A Career Path
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Choosing a career path could be draining and time consuming most times, hence The Academic Guide was birthed to provide an academic guide that will help students make informed decisions while choosing a career path.

What is a Career?

A career is a profession, occupation, trade, or vocation which can be acquired through formal or informal education and is usually long-term.

There are numerous career paths on the face of the earth, for instance, becoming an Ultrasonographer, food crop trader, pharmacist, farmer, pilot, Engineer, Doctor, IT Project Manager, Lawyer, Political Analyst, Human Resource Assistant, footballer, IT Manager et cetera.

There is no limit to the choices of career paths anyone can choose to dive into, but there is a limitation to the success of a chosen career path guided by numerous circumstances.

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Career Path.

Choosing a career path can be scary and excruciating when done without guidance. Some people may think it to be an easy choice to make until they have gone far into a chosen career, only to discover that a different career path would have been a better choice for them due to some success determining factors they refused to consider before choosing a career path.

At a tender age, one might have an obvious pointer to a career path due to their behaviours, interests and talents which can be referred to as constants while variables like availability of funds, market demand and geographical location, can interfere with the pointers thereby resulting to a need for adjustment in choosing a career path.

READ ALSO: Career Counselor | How to Find and Choose a Career Counselor or Coach.

It has been recorded over time that one can have more than one career choice which is dependent on the individual’s capabilities, skills, strengths and choices. In choosing a career path, one needs to put into serious consideration, some or all of the factors listed below;

1. Finance

Since time immemorial, the availability of funds has been the most constant determinant of career choices. A career may require little, average or high funding from start to finish and you must understand the financial demand of a career beforehand for better planning and execution.

After understanding the financial need of a career, you should also understand your financial strength. A career can be cut short due to a crippled financial state of a person and so, a person should always consider his/her financial strength before choosing a career path.

2. Age and Time.

Some careers are suitable for younger persons than the old due to requirements like strength and agility. Also, the time required for the accomplishment of a career can differ greatly from another and should be considered to avoid frustration halfway.

For instance, choosing the career of becoming a Surgeon requires more time than that of an Embedded Software Engineer and this can be frustrating for some individuals who do not have a prior consideration of such. Great discrepancies in the time required to acquire the skills or education to start a chosen career can be seen mostly between careers that require formal education and those that require informal education.

3. Geographical Effects.

Some careers skyrocket in growth or lucrativeness in some regions while others don’t. This is affected by the nature of demand in some areas, although, this might not be the same for other careers.

Medical careers might be in high demand all over the universe but not the same with some skill acquired careers like art. Choosing a career path that concerns the production and distribution of thick sweaters and stockings will excel more in countries with very low temperatures than countries with higher temperatures.

4. Demand or Market Availability.

Naturally, some careers have high demand in our society than others, irrespective of financial commitment in acquiring the knowledge and skills that qualify one in that specific career. Some factors like race, climate, government policies, et Cetra, may influence the demand and market availability of a career in a geographical location.

Careers that concern daily and fundamental human needs will always have higher demand than others of occasional demand and should also be considered before choosing a career path. If you want to be visible in the market daily, it is wise that you navigate your choice of a career towards careers that are relating to daily or fundamental human needs.

5. Interests and Talents.

Every individual has peculiar interests and talents and these should be considered before choosing a career path, as they play important role in the success of one’s career.

An interest in science should be guided to a career with relation to science, this will help the individual attain the apex of his chosen career path easily unlike a situation whereby an individual with an interest in science chooses an art-related career.

Also, a person’s talent or gift should be considered while choosing a career for an easy ride to expertise in one’s chosen career. A non-talent guided choice of a career path may result in the individual struggling to succeed in a chosen career path.

6. Earning or Salary.

As humans, our insatiable nature tends to navigate our living towards want for more in everything, including rewards. A career path that pays more salary will mostly be chosen over a less paying career. We have unending demands so, a more rewarding career path. It is paramount that one makes a grand inquiry into the salary scale of a career before making choices.

Other Career and Salary Informations:

  1. Law Clerk Salary | What is the Average Salary of a Law Clerk in the United States?
  2. IT Project Manager Salary | The Average Salary of an IT Project Manager
  3. How Much Does A Pharmacist Make In The United States?
  4. How Much Do Substitute Teachers Make In California?
  5. Computer Hardware Engineer Salary 2021.

7. Attitude and Behaviour.

We have different ways by which we carry ourselves and react to situations. These differences play a role in choosing a career path as one may be suitable for a career due to their unique attitude and behaviour.

One who is tolerant and patient should consider careers that concern human management and hospitality which would be a disaster for anyone with the opposite quality.

8. Culture and Religious Beliefs.

You must consider your culture and religious beliefs while choosing a career path because this will help you to avoid being caught always in a compromising situation if your chosen career path tilts against what you believe in. Our faith sometimes determines our fate.

You should not be found in career paths that constantly puts you in a state of whether to choose your career or belief always as this means unreconcilable confusion and stress.

9. Lifestyle.

It is advised that one chooses a career path that supports his/her lifestyle of interest. Choosing a career path that will take you constantly to different countries of the world is advised if you like a lifestyle of traveling and exploring while a career path that gives you time with family, friends and keeps you home is advised if the reverse is the case. This will help you live a life of fulfillment and happiness, life is too short.

10. Purpose and Long-term Goal.

Every individual has a unique goal they intend to achieve in life. There is always a focus or purpose behind our endeavours and in choosing a career path, one should consider these goals. A positive alignment of one’s life purpose or goal and chosen career path will go a long way to make life for them, exciting and fulfilling.

Choosing a career path that does not align with one’s purpose or goal in life may result in unhappiness, depression and possibly, frustration. Living a happy life is necessary and whatever threatens it should be avoided.


Making informed decisions is very vital to one’s success, so, give it a deep thought, sleep over it before taking a final decision as the outcome of your decisions could either affect you positively or negatively.

Kindly leave us a comment below if you want to contribute and do not forget to share.

Frequently Asked Questions About Choosing A Career Path

How do I choose a career path?

You choose a career path by following an organized process as listed below:

1. Assess Yourself.
2. Make a List of Occupations to Explore.
3. Explore the Occupations on Your List.
4. Create a “Short List”
5. Conduct Informational Interviews.
6. Make Your Career Choice.
7. Identify Your Goals.
8 Write a Career Action Plan.

What are the top 10 career choices?

Top 10 best career choices

1. Registered nurse.
2. Software developer.
3. Pharmacist.
4. Patient care assistant.
5. Database administrator.
6. Web developer.
7. Computer hardware engineer.
8. Physical therapist.
9. Computer programmer.
10. Occupational therapist.

What are the basic steps in choosing a career path?

Career decision-making process.

Step One: Identify the Decision to be made.
Step Two: Know Yourself (Raise Consciousness)
Step Three: Identifying Options and Gathering Information (Explore Options)
Step Four: Evaluate Options that will Solve the Problem.
Step Five: Select One of the Options

What is the first thing to do in making important career decisions?

The first step to solving a career problem is to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Exploring your values, interests, and skills will help you find educational and career options that match up with your goals.

What is your main consideration in choosing your future career?

Prospect salary in future

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