How To Find Entry Level Electrical Engineering Jobs.

Electrical Engineering Jobs
Source: istockphoto

Finding entry level electrical engineering jobs could be tiring and daunting for a recent engineering graduate, so, we discussed the possible challenges, career types, basic requirements and how you can easily find entry level electrical engineering jobs in this article.

If you ask majority of undergraduate students studying electrical engineering, one of their biggest dreams after graduating is to get suitable electrical engineering jobs.

While some might aspire to work in top international companies like Apple, Intel, IBM, Boeing, etc; some might wish to work in a national company like Panisco. Whatever your goal may be, either to find an electrical engineering job in a company or to work as a freelance electrical engineer, this guide will help you achieve your goals.

Before I explain in detail how to get entry-level electrical engineering jobs, I believe you already know what the profession entails and the responsibilities you will be obliged to do as an electronic engineer.

If you’re not sure, here is an answer for you.

Who is an Electrical Engineer?

An electrical engineer is someone who does research, design, create, and develop an electrical system that will help solve a particular technical problem (s). To work as an electrical engineer, you should have it in your mind that being an electrical engineer goes beyond operating electrical systems.

You need to be a problem solver and a good researcher. In-depth knowledge of research and problem-solving skills will position you to be eligible for any electrical engineering job. It will also attract more potential clients to work with you as a freelance electrical engineer.

This article provides the essential information you need to know on how to easily find electrical engineering jobs, the importance of an electrical engineering degree to your career path, the requirement for an electrical engineer, what you need while applying for electrical engineering jobs.

SEE ALSO: Mechanical Design Engineer | Job Description, Salary, Resume, Required Skills and More.

How To Easily Get Entry-Level Electrical Engineering Jobs.

If your parents or relatives don’t own an industry where you can get automatic employment days after you graduate from college or university, you should start studying harder and never reliant.

After we researched the basic challenges most candidates face while applying for electrical engineering jobs, we discovered that a large number of them face similar challenges such as ignorance, rejection, etc. You shouldn’t be part of them so here’s what you will do.


Networking is a key factor that can help you land your first electrical engineering job few weeks before or after you graduate. Know successful electrical engineers who graduated from your college and also network with electrical engineers you don’t even know in person.

You can achieve this by searching for the top electrical engineers in your geographical location, follow them on social media platforms such as Electrical Engineering and Electronics Facebook Group and attend offline programs to meet with them.

Networking will help you to get first-hand information about some industries that are open for entry-level electrical engineering jobs. Moreover, you can easily ask for alumnus help whenever you need guidance on writing your CV, application letter, etc.

Create an outstanding Resume.

Before a hiring manager can get the chance to talk to you, he or she would have read your resume. If the hiring manager is impressed, you are likely to be called for an interview. But if your resume is badly written, you might be rejected. It is therefore essential that your thoroughly edit your resume before you send it.

Surf the Internet.

Don’t stop searching on social media platforms for jobs. For instance, you can subscribe to Google job to receive free notifications when there is a new job available in your niche. You can also scout for jobs on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp groups, Instagram, etc by making a public notice that you need an electrical engineering job (ensure you also state what you can do differently).

Importance of Electrical Engineering Degree To Your Career Path.

It is no longer news that you must have an engineering degree and skills that prove you are the best fit for an electrical engineering job. While striving to develop yourself to become one of the best electrical engineers in your area, you should know that having a degree and good grades has a role to play when applying for electrical engineering jobs.

Moreover, when you study electrical engineering courses, you will start developing essential skills that will help you through your career path. Some of these skills include:

Problem-solving skill

The best electrical engineer is a problem solver. To prove that you are an expert in your field, you must know how to discover causes hindering the success of an electrical operation. Unfortunately, many undergraduates and graduates underestimate the importance of this skill; thus, they wait until they get employed before developing themselves to be problem solvers.

The best time to master this skill is now.


Carry out background research on the industry you are applying to, list out the problems you observe or their recent challenges and devise practical solutions to them, read wide and never  stop learning.

SEE ALSO: 16 Best Jobs for Recent College Graduates

Teamwork skill.

Students studying electrical engineering in colleges are often divided into groups to carry out research which will help them to develop teamwork skill. One of the advantages of teamwork is that you will leverage on others to provide valuable results. To succeed as an electrical engineer, you should be able to work with others as a team. Team building makes work easier, faster, and better.

Computer science skill

An electrical engineer must be inclined to diverse software and should be able to utilize modeling programs. Getting a degree alongside self-development will expose you to the latest models and computer software that are useful for your niche. Knowing this will make you eligible for any electrical engineering job near you.

Pressure management skill

Getting an engineering degree in a college or university might be challenging. You will have to manage classes with personal studies and your job (if you work alongside studying). It might seem difficult at first, but the advantage is that you will build up skills you might not discover at the moment.

Fortunately, this skill will help you in securing an electrical engineering job because many employers test job applicants on whether they can work well under pressure or not.

Career Types For Electrical Engineering Entry Level Jobs.

  1. Technical construction
  2. Lighting and power distribution of buildings
  3. Telecommunication systems
  4. Electrical power design
  5. Satellite communications
  6. Information technologies
  7. Instrumentations electrical production
  8. Artificial intelligence
  9. Transportation design
  10. Engineering consultancy
  11. Microelectronic design

Basic Requirements For Electrical Engineering Jobs.

Finding electrical engineering jobs after graduating can be tough, especially now that the electrical engineering is becoming more competitive. Although you can have all the necessary skills to work well as an electrical engineer; however, some basic requirements will determine whether you will get an electrical engineering job or not.

Here are the basic requirements you need to be qualified for an electrical engineering job:


No matter how skillful you are, most employees won’t employ you if you don’t have a degree (especially bachelor’s degree). Your degree will attract employers to read your resume. Here are the type of degrees you should have:

Electrical engineering: This course will prepare you to solve real problems in industries. It will also equip you with the knowledge needed to carry out successful researches and to provide solutions to diverse problems.

Most students that study this course are experts in electronics design, electromagnetic, and power system design.  The ability to offer any of these services will intrigue employers to employ you as an electrical engineer.

SEE ALSO: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) | Degree Requirements And Best Schools For Study.

Electronics engineering: Employers find applicants that have a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering as an asset to their company, because of their background knowledge in courses like computer programming, advanced math, and network analysis. You should, therefore, consider having a degree like this to stand a better chance of working in any engineering industry.

Certification: Many employers will treat you with more regard if you have a recognized certificate of top institutions. Employers believe having a standard certificate coupled with your college degree is a proof that you have gained enough experience that will enable you to handle different tasks.

Note that we are not saying you won’t get an electrical engineering job because you don’t own a certificate under a nationally recognized body. But it is better to be certified under these bodies.

Master degree: Don’t think you’ve gotten to the peak after completing your bachelor’s degree. Candidates with master degrees in electrical engineering have more knowledge on some theoretical aspects which can make you eligible for certain positions in an engineering firm.

Nevertheless, the most important thing is to be skillful. Ensure you are very good at practicalizing what you know. This will determine your stay or promotion in any engineering firm.

Field experience.

This is also known as internship(s). An internship is a program where you train as a temporal worker in a firm to acquire knowledge about a profession. While some companies may pay you during your internship, you may not be paid in some companies.

Whether you are being paid or not, money shouldn’t be the major factor that motivates you, but the quest for knowledge. Some employers prefer applicants that have previous field experiences because they tend to be smarter at work.

On the other hand, an internship will help you learn beyond what you studied in books or classes as you will have to face daily challenges. These challenges will enable you to work well under pressure and without supervision. Internship will also enable you to work with a team to achieve a specific goal.

In summary, having prior field experience will give you a better chance to apply to any entry-level electrical engineering jobs near you.

List of Electrical Engineering Jobs, Primary Duties and their respective Salaries.

The table below shows the national average salaries per year for electrical engineering jobs

Electrical Engineering JobsPrimary DutiesAnnual Salary
1. Electrical TechnicianElectrical technicians construct and maintain machines and equipment that use electricity to operate$51,275
2. Electrician Electricians install and repair electrical systems integrated into a building like a home or an office$52,049
3. Controls EngineerControls engineers work and manufacturing and energy plants to ensure consistent, efficient and high-quality production processes$60,711
4. Test EngineerTest engineers design the processes involved with troubleshooting a product and confirming its functionality$82,668
5. Electrical Project ManagerElectrical project managers are responsible for supervising the planning and implementation of new electrical systems for construction projects.$83,703
6. Electrical EngineerElectrical designers use their knowledge of electrical engineering to create circuit layouts that properly distribute electrical energy$90,494
7. Sustainability EngineerSustainability engineers are responsible for adjusting and creating designs to have a low environmental impact$94,752
8. Electrical Engineer Electrical engineers design, test and implement all kinds of electrical devices ranging from complex power systems to individual electrical devices$95,189
9. Equipment Engineer Equipment engineers focus on developing machinery and other mechanical devices that organizations use as operational equipment$95,433
10. Aeronautical EngineerAeronautical engineers create designs for airplanes, helicopters, missiles and other flying apparatuses.$102,295
11. Electronics EngineerElectronics engineers are responsible for designing and producing electronics and their components.$103,676
12. Hardware EngineerHardware engineer create designs for computer hardware and other physical equipment.$106,377
13. Software EngineerSoftware engineers use code to write new software applications and programs.$107,908
14. Director of Technology A company’s director of technology is in charge of supervising and coordinating all of the organization’s technology needs.$127,468
15. Biotech ConsultantBiotech consultants give advice to companies and organizations about what kinds of new technology to focus on$137,784

What You Need While Applying For Electrical Engineering Jobs.


This is the document that you use to introduce yourself and showcase your potential value to the company you’re applying to. Writing a resume is more than just stating your educational background and your area of interest. You must be able to present your information in an appropriate way for an employer to understand.

The required information includes your full name, email address, phone number, your goals, your skills (it should be related to the kind of entry-level electrical engineering jobs you’re applying for), work experience ( highlight your previous work either as an employee or a volunteer) and your educational background.

Cover letter:

As a candidate aspiring to work as an electrical engineer in an industry, you will have to write a short and well-written letter to explain more about your area of expertise. You also need to showcase why you want that job and how you intend to add value to the company if you work for them.

Moreover, state how your previous work experience or academic knowledge has prepared you to be the best fit for the job.

Sidenote: You must not use figures of speech in your cover letter such as humor, sarcasm, simile, personification, etc.

SEE ALSO: Top 13 Entry Level IT Jobs And What You Can Do To Get Hired.


When applying for entry-level electrical engineering jobs, showcasing your previous works that relate to the position you’re applying for will give you a better chance of getting the job. Create a portfolio that will impress the hiring manager and prove that you are capable of the position. To achieve this, you have to highlight the best projects you’ve done and the end results.

Lastly, you have to prepare for an interview. The hiring manager of the company you applied to may schedule an interview with you to know more about you and your professional background.

Get your outfit ready, read questions most employers ask electrical engineers, and thoroughly revise your resume before appearing for an interview.


In summary, finding entry-level electrical engineering jobs as a graduate might be a bit difficult because of the increasing competition rate. Nevertheless, that shouldn’t discourage you from connecting with the right people, applying to as many industries as possible, and keep on improving your skills. Be positive-minded and never overlook the slightest opportunity.

We believe our guide has revealed some facts you should know about how to get electrical engineering jobs near you.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Find Entry Level Electrical Engineering Jobs.

Who is an Electrical Engineer?

An electrical engineer is someone who does research, design, create, and develop an electrical system that will help solve a particular technical problem(s).

What kind of jobs do electrical engineers do?

What jobs can you do with a degree in electrical engineering?

* Broadcast engineer.
* Technical writer.
* Controls engineer.
* Substation technician.
* Electrical project manager.
* Electrical designer.
* Electronic communications engineer.
* Computer Hardware engineer.

Is Electrical Engineering a good career?

Electrical engineering is a good career option for an individual who possesses strong communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills, who has the ability to work under pressure in a specific timeline, who also have organizational, leadership, and creative skills as it comes in handy.

Who is the highest paid electrical engineer?

The systems engineer with an estimated annual earnings that top out at $128,222

What is the salary of an electrical engineer?

The national average annual wage of an electrical engineer is $101,600, according to the BLS.

What are the various career types for Electrical Engineering Jobs?

Career types for electrical engineering jobs are as follows:-

* Technical construction
* Lighting and power distribution of buildings
* Telecommunication systems
* Electrical power design
* Satellite communications
* Information technologies
* Instrumentations electrical production
* Artificial intelligence
* Transportation design
* Engineering consultancy
* Microelectronic design

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