Mechanical Design Engineer | Job Description, Salary, Resume, Required Skills and More.

Mechanical Design Engineer | Job Description, Salary, Resume, Required Skills and More

The inception of engineering has really contributed deeply to the current status of the world’s development to date. Hence, before any mechanical structure comes to the surface, a mechanical design engineer must have worked on it.

Thence, we have clearly elaborated all about the mechanical design engineer herein and some of the skill sets required to obtain great heights in this career path.

Hence, it is advised you carefully go through this article to get the most out of it and get your queries answered.

Who Is A Mechanical Design Engineer?

A mechanical design engineer is an intricate component profession of mechanical engineering. They are based on the designs and determinations of dimensions of a Mechanical system.

They use physics and engineering principles to design mechanical systems and devices. They develop plans for generating new engine models and develop strategies for improving upon current models.

They also build prototypes and test them to measure their functionality. Additionally, design engineers collaborate with fabrication teams when manufacturing products to guide them on the design specifications. Plus, they conduct technical research. Relevant certification is beneficial to succeed as a mechanical design engineer.

What Does A Mechanical Design Engineer Do?

A mechanical design engineer specializes in designing various mechanical devices that will be vital in developing machinery or large structures. Some of their primary responsibilities revolve around;

Conducting thorough research and analysis, establishing layouts and prototypes, producing progress reports, and working alongside fellow engineers and skilled professionals.

Typically assigned in an office setting, a mechanical design engineer must visit construction sites or factories to test and observe equipment qualities.

Furthermore, during production, there are instances when a mechanical engineer must coordinate with suppliers, contractors, and clients.

Skill Requirements of A Mechanical Design Engineer.

To become a successful mechanical design engineer, there are some skillsets you’re ought to possess. Without these skillsets, you will be seriously lagging in the abilities required of the design engineer.

So below are some necessary skills you are required to possess in this career path;

  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Good grasp of mathematics.
  • Highly organized.
  • IT literate.
  • Strong initiative.
  • Excellent problem solving skills.
  • Decisiveness.
  • Team player with ability to work on your own.
  • FEA Software Skills
  • CAD Software Skills
  • Project Management
  • PLM Skills

Mechanical Design Engineer | How Much Do They Earn?

Due to the engineering industry being so large and vast, salaries can vary greatly. On top of this, location can also play a part in rates and salaries.

With engineering experience and qualifications related to the profession, Mechanical Design Engineer salary could range from £20,000 to £40,000. With Senior Mechanical Design Engineers salaries ranging from £40,000 to £55,000 per annum. This is depending on experience, which will include previous employers and notable previous projects.

READ ALSO: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) | Degree Requirements And Best Schools For Study.

Moreover, location plays a part in salaries, in certain parts of the UK Mechanical Design Engineers can earn more than other parts. London does consistently offer higher salaries and rates, however, we have seen similar figures across the UK.

All companies offer different benefit packages to permanent employees, this can range from car or car allowances, pension schemes, and private medical insurance (PMI) to flexible hours, ride-to-work schemes, and travel allowances.

Experienced Freelance Senior Mechanical Design Engineers can see rates ranging from £35-£45 per hour and on top of this can sometimes get their travel expensed when traveling to the site.

Mechanical Design Engineer Jobs.

The job description of a mechanical design engineer is quite demanding. Thus, this requires a great deal of effort and task. As you have to learn to handle multi-task as a mechanical design engineer.

Therefore, see below some detailed tasks of a mechanical design engineer;

  • Project requirement assessment
  • Perform measurement of mechanical devices and components
  • Budget & deadline decision with client and project managers
  • Maintaining reliability and security of machines
  • Project-related research
  • Design for testing purpose
  • Material suggestions and supplier coordination
  • Testing, modifying & Re-testing
  • Making product designs using computer-aided design/ modeling software
  • Report preparation
  • Project status reporting to the manager and client
  • Providing technical advice
  • Data interpretation and analysis
  • Fault Analysis and rectification

Mechanical Design Engineer Resume.

Recently looking to apply for a job as a Mechanical design engineer and looking for a heads up on how to make up a good resume for it? Then we have also got you covered here.

So we have a step-by-step guide here on how to make a good resume to apply for your job. Carefully follow the details below to get it done.

Start your resume with a letterhead bearing your name in capital letters. Example; ‘JIM BARNETT

After that, followed by your address details all centered individually in a consecutive manner with your name. Using the format; contact address, email and media and phone number. See example;

Sometown, NJ 07184

[email protected]

LinkedIn Profile URL | Home: (555) 555-5555

Now, You’re expected to write some of your skillsets and qualifications to make up the resume.

Meanwhile, to see a visual sample of a good resume to apply for your mechanical design job, visit the link below;

Good Schools To Obtain A Mechanical Design Engineer Degree.

To become a mechanical design engineer, you must possess a degree in Mechanical Engineering as this is the basis of this profession. Hence, we have listed a few good schools you can obtain a good degree in Mechanical engineering that will help expedite you in your career path. See them below in no particular order;


Mechanical design engineering is a good profession. You’d be involved in one of the complex engineering fields that define a product. Hence, if it is your aspiration to become one, it is advised you with all diligence, acquire the necessary skills for this career path.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

What does it take to be a mechanical design engineer?

To become a design engineer, you will need a bachelor’s degree in design engineering, manufacturing engineering, mechanical engineering or product design engineering technology. While obtaining their degrees, students learn about CAD software, machine design, manufacturing processes and thermodynamics.

What is the difference between a mechanical engineer and a mechanical design engineer?

Mechanical engineers design mechanical products, machines, and systems. Mechanical designers create technical drawings based on the mechanical engineer’s specifications and plans. Mechanical engineers use mathematics and physics to determine the best plans and designs for a project.

What mechanical design engineer should know?

A mechanical design engineer should be aware of the FEA solutions available, including both pre and post-processing software (ANSA, PATRAN, FEMGEN, and the solvers NASTRAN, SAMCEF, ABAQUS). He should understand the basics of finite element theory and be fluent in the classic main steps of calculation.

Which is the best software for mechanical design?

Best softwares for mechanical designs:

* Autodesk Moldflow.
* AutoCAD.
* Pro/Engineer.
* SolidWorks.
* Unigraphics NX.
* Cimatron.
* Mastercam.

What is key skills of mechanical engineer?

* Science. Physics. Chemistry.
* Mathematics.
* Programming.
* System Analysis.
* Fault Detection.
* Complex Problem Solving.
* Operations Analysis.
* Systems Evaluation.

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