How To Immigrate To Canada Without a Job Offer

How to immigrate to Canada
Approved Immigration Canada application form with rubber stamp

Other countries around the world have strict restrictions on immigration. It is especially hard for immigrants without job offers.

Canada is one of the few countries worldwide that allows immigration without job offers.

There are many different immigration opportunities foreigners have access to. This gives options that foreigners can pick from. Allowing them to choose the best method that works best for them. The most common immigration program is the Express Entry Route. But in Canada, there are other options, such as the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

Provincial Nominee Program

The Provincial Nominee Program was created to provide immigration to many people. Available in participating provinces. These participating provinces nominate people every year to get permanent dwellings in Canada. This nomination is based on certain requirements that all nominees must possess. Every province has the freedom to set up the requirements. So the requirements differ from province to province.

While the Express Entry Route is more technical, candidates are chosen based on their human capital contribution. This is calculated with a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), which awards points based on human capital contribution. You can be chosen to fill empty skilled labour offices.

The higher your points, the higher the chance of being selected. In this method, if you have a job offer, you have more points. This allows job offer holders to have an advantage over non-job holders.

Of all the nine provinces in Canada, Ontario has the highest number of immigrants. It receives about 35% of the entire population of immigrants in a year. They have a convenient environment for foreigners coming into a new country. Compared to other provinces, theirs is one of the best. It has a large number of job opportunities. With diverse groups of people, high-income earning capacity and a generally welcoming environment.

Types of PNP Immigration Programs In Canada

ONIP: The  Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program.

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program is an active program with the highest number of foreign applications annually. It is highly competitive because of its high demand.

To apply for the program, you send your application through the Ontario Express Entry: Human Capital Priorities Stream. This program is suitable for people who don’t have job offers. Suppose they are skilled workers who wish to settle in Ontario forever and work there. Through this, the province goes through the applicants to select nominees.

The selection is based on provincial requirements and it selects nominees that meet all the necessary criteria, such as language skills, work experience, police records, educational qualifications, and so on.

They bring out a list of people that meet all the requirements, and who are also fit to go into the labour market suitably without job offers. For anyone who wishes to apply to the ONIP program in Canada without a job offer, this is the best option for you. Although a job offer is unnecessary, you need an Express Entry profile. With work experience in specific sectors that the province wants. This allows you to be nominated.

After you have applied, every notification will come in your Express Entry profile, so when they pick the ONIP will notify you to submit your online application. This begins the elimination process. Only successful applicants receive an approval letter. If you receive one, you have a choice to either accept or decline the nomination. Acceptance of the offer gives you an automatic increase to your CRS points by 600+. This enables you to apply for permanent dwellings in Canada.

Here are the requirements for the ONIP scheme in Canada:

  1. Secure or have an Express Entry profile and make sure it is active.
  2. Be wholly eligible for the Canadian Experience Class or Federal Skilled Worker Program.
  3. Your occupational experience should meet the requirements of the stream.
  4. It could be from universities in Canada. Or have any foreign credential that qualifies.
  5. Meet the language necessity on a level 7 upward of the language benchmark.
  6. Make it clear it is Ontario you want to settle in.
  7. Have enough money for costs as a result of settlement in Canada.

How To Immigrate To Canada

See Also: How To Get A Job In Canada From Outside

SINP: The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program

Saskatchewan is another province in Canada that has a program for people to immigrate without a job offer.

It is located in the country’s center and has a thriving economy. This is because of its access to natural assets such as minerals, gas, oil, and potash. It has a diverse population of people. With the low cost of living and of job opportunities, and for those who love sunshine, this is the place for you. It has the most sunshine compared to other provinces.

If you like this province, you can immigrate to Saskatchewan through the Express Entry scheme.

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program nominates people into Canada by the Federal Government. It nominates people who are wanted in the economy. That have the required skills and work experience.

Aside from aiding foreign immigrants to gain a permanent home in the province. It also provides an investment scheme to people already residing there. This allows them to invest in a business or start a new one.

The SINP allows people and families with the qualifications to immigrate to Canada fast. It bypasses all the complex and complicated methods of other immigration processes.

Foreigners can apply to the SINP in two ways. One is by sending an Expression of Interest to the SINP directly. If accepted, the nominee can create an Express Entry profile. Then upload his credentials.

The second option is first to create the Express Entry profile. They are then showing interest in the province. The province then selects people that meet all the requirements. After that, they apply to SINP. If they are nominated, 600 points will be added to their CRS. This allows them to apply for permanent residence in the province of Canada

Categories for the SINP

The SINP has three nomination programs. It offers fast processing and support through Express Entry. This is for people who want to dwell and work in the country.

The categories are;

  • International Skilled Worker Category
  • Saskatchewan Experience Category
  • Entrepreneur and Farm Category

The International Skilled Worker Category

This is for potential immigrants who meet the requirements of having relevant work experience. Also, with educational qualifications and meet language requirements. Among other requirements that make them able to live and work in the province.

It also offers three subcategories;

  • Employment Offer Sub-Category
  • Occupations in Demand Sub-Category
  • Saskatchewan Express Entry Sub-Category

The Employment Offer Sub-Category

The Employment Offer Sub-Category is for people who already have job offers. The requirements are the same as the other two. Only that the potential immigrant must already have a job offer.

Occupations in Demand Sub-Category

Occupations in Demand Sub-Category is for highly skilled workers who do not have job offers.

Especially when they have skills in occupations that are in high demand.

Requirements for this program:

  • One or more years of professional experience in the last ten years for the occupation. This occupation must be in demand by the province at the time of application.
  • The score gotten for language must be from 4 CLB or higher
  • The applicant must have a SINP score of 60 and above.
  • Training of one year or more as an apprentice or any other form of training. This training must have
  • happened after secondary school, and a degree or diploma must have come as a result. The certificate
  • has to be equal to any Canadian educational certificate.
  • The applicant must have settlement plans and be able to pay for that settlement plan.
  • If a license comes with the occupation, the applicant should be able to qualify for it. They should
  • provide proof of that eligibility

Express Entry Sub-Category

Express Entry Sub-Category is the third sub-category offered to potential immigrants in the

Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Express Entry program. This stream is available to skilled workers picked for the program mentioned above. Here is a list of the requirements that every applicant must meet. They must meet them before being eligible for this entry category:

  • Every applicant must have an Express Entry profile and a validation code. It must be active and recent.
  • Possession of a valid degree certificate obtained at a higher institution level. It must be equal to any other Canadian certificate, whether a diploma, bachelor’s degree, master’s or Ph.D. They can be acquired through apprenticeships or educational institutions.
  • The SNIP points should be from 60 and above to qualify.
  • Possession of adequate work experience in your occupation. An acceptable level of work experience is required for different levels of work. They are:
  • Skilled workers: This is further divided into skilled trades and non-skilled trades. Skilled trades need at least 2 years of work in the past 5 years for the trade that you specify. For non-skilled trades, you must have at least 1 year of experience in the last 10 years. The two categories can also qualify if they have 1 full year of professional experience in an occupation that requires high skills and is high in demand in Canada.
  • For occupations that obligate every worker to be licensed under a licensing board, the applicant must be eligible for it. They must show proof of legibility to the SINP.
  • The language requirement must be met according to the provisions of the Saskatchewan Express Entry. Proof of this language level attained should be provided to the SINP.
  • The applicant must have a relevant settlement plan and enough money to cover the costs. Proof of having enough funds and a relevant settlement plan must be available.

There are certain occupations that the Saskatchewan province needs at a particular time. Only applicants who are skilled in this profession can qualify for the nomination. Some of these occupations are carpentry and university lecturers. Others are oil and gas drillers, motor transport operators, roofers, electricians, plumbers, and bricklayers with concrete finishers, installers, and so many more.

Saskatchewan Experience Category

Saskatchewan Experience Category is for foreigners who already dwell in Canada and want to become permanent residents. Five programs are available for people who want this category. They are;

  • Existing Work Permit Sub-Category
  • Health Profession Sub-Category
  • Hospitality Sector Sub-Category
  • Long Haul Truck Driver Sub-Category
  • Student Sub-Category

Existing Work Permit Sub-Category

The existing Work Permit Sub-Category is for people who have worked in the Saskatchewan province. For up to 6 months. They also possess a valid work permit.

Requirements for this sub-category;

  • A PNP job approval letter
  • Must be in a  professional trade or offered a permanent job by a Saskatchewan employer.
  • Must have worked for 6 months with good citizenship and job permit.

Health Profession Sub-Category

This scheme is for health sector professionals. They must have worked in the Saskatchewan province for up to 6 months. This program has three categories;

  1. Physicians: This is for doctors and surgeons trained at the international level. They must have a work permit, work experience for 6 months and a full-time work offer.
  2. Nurses: This is offered for practicing and registered nurses who have worked in the province for at least 6 months. They must possess good citizenship, work permits, and permanent work offers with letters of support from various governing bodies.
  3. Other Health Professions: This is available for any potential immigrant under the licensing body of health professionals. They must be residing in the province and have a working permit. They must also have worked for 6 months and have a far prime-time job offer

Hospitality Sector Project

This scheme is available for people who have experience in hospitality jobs. They can apply for nomination under their subcategory.

Requirements for this scheme;

  • Must have 6 months of work experience under the same employer
  • Posses a secondary school certificate
  • Must be a foreign immigrant
  • Must have relevant skills in cleaning services or skills in kitchen work
  • Must have scored at least 4 or higher in the language test

Student Sub-Category

Student Sub-Category is available for students who have graduated from any higher institution. But only from Saskatchewan.

Requirements to be gain this program;

  • Possession of post-graduate certificate to work in Saskatchewan.
  • Must have 6 months of work experience under the same employer.
  • Valid citizenship certification
  • Must have relevant work experience on campus or off campus.
  • Must have a valid degree from any university in Saskatchewan. Especially degrees that are useful for occupations that are high in demand.
  • The graduate must have employment or have a full-time job offer in his field of study.
  • The course studied must have been for at least one year.

Requirements for students who studied in universities outside Saskatchewan;

  • The student must have graduated from any institution within Canada. With a valid degree or diploma.
  • The course studied must be for at least 1 year and 4 months.
  • Posses a valid job permit.
  • Working experience of at least 2 years in that province.
  • The graduate must have a full-time job and be employed by a Saskatchewan.


Seeking to immigrate to Canada has been easy for people without job offers. So if you are interested in enrolling in any of the immigration programs, you can go ahead and do so. All you need is to have an active Express Entry profile. Also need to meet all the requirements offered in the various schemes and categories.


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