What Can I Do If I Hate My Job? Here Are 10 Things

I hate my job

Do you constantly say “i hate my job”? You may not be the only one with such a feeling. If you hate your job right now, it might make you feel better to know you are not the only person feeling this way. According to a Gallup survey, about 70% of people hate their jobs. If you’re among the other 30%, the chances are high that you still encounter miserable coworkers at work.

Many people hate one thing or other about their work. We sometimes complain about our job or boss nearly every day. Although hating your job is a pretty common human experience, that doesn’t make it any less challenging to handle. Basically, you spend at least half your waking hours at work. If you hate your job, it can be challenging to feel good about your life. So do you feel like you hate your job? Below are 10 things you could do.


What Can I Do If I Hate My Job? Here Are 10 Things

Are you wondering what you can do if you hate your job, company, boss, industry, or even everything about your working life? Well, first, learn to control your feelings.

If you keep complaining about your job, it can backfire, whether you vent to colleagues or online. Complaining about work may compromise your level of professional integrity and eventually lead to you getting fired.

Nevertheless, you don’t have to continue with the job if you hate it. You can decide to find the work that’s a better fit for you. You will likely be happier and perform better at your job.

The reason you hate work could be evident to you — your manager’s incompetence, for instance. However, other times, although you might have an “ideal job”, you could still find yourself unhappy. So, what do you do if you hate your job?


1. Examine the job circumstances

Figuring out why you hate your job may need some introspection because the cause of your hatred might not be clear. Also, understanding what part of your job makes you hate going to work will require examination.

Do you think there is no path to push your career development forward? Or do you think your work does not get any recognition? Is it the company’s culture you hate? Or maybe your position in the company? Did you think you chose the wrong career? Finding the answer to each of these questions is crucial in examining the job circumstances. Identifying the causes of your discontent at your job will help you manage what you do better.

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2. Project and plan your trajectory five years into the future

With the realization of the reason for your dissatisfaction at work, you need a perspective to help you decide on how to proceed. Examine the pros and cons of staying where you are against the pros and cons of making a move to change the job situation.

This can be a rigorous exercise, and you don’t need to feel pressured to make any hasten decision. Build a mental picture. Consider the ramifications of the choices you are about to make affecting you for the next five years.


3. Find out what you would like to do with the job career

After making a five-year projection and weighing the pros and cons of staying in the same state or making a change, there is still more to do. If you decide to stay with the company, you should think about taking happiness back into your work. Check out other departments for viable career options.

However, if you find that you need to leave the company, consider what else you see yourself doing for a living. Will the needed changes be drastic with the need for more schooling? Or will it be within the same industry requiring minimal training?


4. Compare and contrast your options

You may wonder how to make your miserable job a happy one. Realize you are not stuck in this situation without a way out. Knowing this should be a significant boost to your confidence. After you narrow down your options, review them side by side. Do a comparison of the schools or companies you believe are a better fit for you and try to pick one.


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5. Set yourself up for success

Start early to organize the logistics of your next move, as long as you are sure that you need to make such a move. After deciding whether you need more schooling, a transfer, or a major move to another company, develop your plan of action. Also, at this stage, you may want to talk to your boss about your situation. However, before you make a move, speaking to your manager depends on whether you need his/her cooperation to move forward.

However, how do you tell your boss you are not happy with your job? There is no single answer to this question. Depending on your personality, talking with your boss could be uncomfortable, liberating, or both. What you want to consider fully is how you are going to manage the conversation itself.

Talking in person is the way to go. However, before you do it, know exactly what you want to say and how to say it. This is very important, as saying the wrong thing or saying anything in an inappropriate manner may have an adverse effect on your career later.

Practice in front of the mirror if you have to. You can also call a friend and have her pretend to be your boss. Basically, you are trying to anticipate your boss’s reaction and figure out how to react in return.


6. Take proactive action

Set up the strategic moves you have laid out in the previous steps with confidence. Moving to another department or company may not necessarily guarantee a happier role. However, knowing you can change your career’s direction may be enough to bring joy to you at work. So, go ahead with your plan. Enroll in any necessary new class, get help polishing your resume, and contact recruiters. Hopefully, you will find what you seek.

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7. Knowing when to leave if you are the type that says “I hate my job”

While you may want to adapt and learn to enjoy your work, there may also be a need to leave the job. You will likely know it is time to leave when going to work daily is so repulsive that your brain fights hard to make you stay at home. This means you deeply hate your job.

The adverse impact of having a job you hate will spread to other aspects of your life. You could develop depression, and if the reason you hate your job is a toxic manager. There is also the risk of PTSD. Why would you permit that level of stress to possess your mental well-being?

Most of us are not happy at work and hate our job. While pursuing happiness is a basic right of humans, it is not an easy endeavor. We go through trials, bumps, and modifications on our way to achieving joy at work. Realizing a job is not for us is part of discovering what makes us happy.

Don’t allow the feeling of defeat to overwhelm you if you find yourself in the wrong place career-wise. If you would like to reach out of your comfort zone for a while, you will find your way into a more fulfilling job.

If you hate your job and think it is best to leave such a job, take note of the following below:


If you have realized that you hate your job and have to leave the job, get ready to search for a fitting job. It is not advisable to quit your job before getting a new job. So, focus on getting a new job before quitting. The better prepared you are prior to looking for a job, the easier your job search becomes.


9. Carefully Start the Job Hunt

Start your job search as quietly and discreetly as possible. Don’t broadcast your job searching for the same reasons you are quiet about hating your job. It is not advisable for your boss or someone else to know that you plan to leave until you are ready to share the news. Use job search engines and leverage LinkedIn in your job search.


10. Leave the job Respectfully

After getting a new job that you like, you should resign gracefully, giving at least two weeks’ notice. You should not complicate things because you hate your job. You can offer assistance during the transition and leave the company with no hard feelings. Instead of causing any trouble when leaving, focus your energy and perspective on your new job and improve your experience to thrive in this new job.

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