How Long Does It Take To Get A GED?

How Long Does it Take to Get a GED?

Believe me, if you really want to get into college in the US, you must get a GED or its equivalent. Therefore, if you are asking how long does it take to get a GED? Then your question is quite justified.

GED is an equivalent high school diploma with the high school diplomas offered in the US. You can actually inherit many things only by obtaining this diploma. But most importantly you need it to get into college in the US.

Meanwhile, this article will fully expose you to all you need to know about GED and the GED exam. Even what is obtainable from the GED. Also, if you are so keen on how long does it take to get a GED? You need not worry as we also gave a detailed answer herein. We also showed you where and how to go about getting a GED certificate.

However, to get the most out of this article, it is required you carefully read to the end as our group of professionals have carefully answered your question on how long does it take to get a GED? Even helping you explore more herein.

What is GED?

People refer to GED to several meanings like; Graduate Equivalency Degree or General Educational Diploma. Although, GED is an acronym that originally stands for General Educational Development Test. 

The GED test is a group of four subjects, students undertake the GED test to obtain a certificate equivalent to that of a US high school diploma, HiSET, and TASC test. The four separate tests that together make up the entire GED exam are;

  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Reasoning Through Language Arts

Meanwhile, on a lighter note of understanding, after graduating from high school, you are to receive a diploma. A diploma is a document that states you’ve completed all the required courses to graduate.

However, some students in high school are close to finishing and getting a diploma but never get it. In cases like those, students will take a series of tests that will indicate whether or not they have a high school level of education. This is known as the GED test. 

Though, in situations where students fail any of the four subjects in the GED test, they will be required to rewrite the exact test they failed instead of the whole four subjects.

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Eligibility To Write A GED Test

There are several regulations in obtaining a GED certificate. Though, the regulations vary state by state. But the most important of them is the minimum age eligibility requirements. According to GED Testing Service policy, students at least 16 years old and not enrolled in high school are eligible for the program.

Meanwhile, a plethora of states requires the candidate to be 17 years of age and a resident of the state. Some states which allow students under 17 years of age to take the test require a letter of parental consent and a letter of consent from the student’s school district.

Where Do I Get a GED?

Now, we are going to explain where you can obtain a GED certificate. The registration for the GED test is usually an online registration program. The GED platform also provides practice test questions to assist the students to get ready for the main exam.

Furthermore, when applying for your GED exam, you can select close by the venue to seat for the exam. Afterwards, your t will be communicated to you on your dashboard.

Getting your GED offers a chance at a better future. With a little preparation and effort, you’ll have the certification you need to get a higher-paying job and an opportunity to further your education. 

To visit the GED official website, you can use the link below;

How Much Does it Cost to Enrol for a GED Exam?

The price for the GED test registration varies with respect to location. Although, the cost can be as low as $45 as is the case in Maryland. The typical fees are $120 for all four tests or $30 for each of the four subject tests.

How Long Does it Take to Get a GED?

If the questions that have been running through your head is; how long does it take to get a GED? Then you need not worry because you are closer to your quest.

How long it takes to get your GED certificate all depends on your skill level and education. On average, it takes up to 3 months. Although, it can be faster depending on how prepared you are for the exam.

You can follow the step-by-step procedure under-listed below to successfully get your GED.

#1. Know The Subjects You are Required to Write

The GED is broken into four separate exam topics. You will need to ensure you are fully knowledgeable in the following subjects areas.

  • Science
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Social Studies
  • Reasoning through Language Arts

It is advisable you make a good study plan and practice and exercise your ability to reason, analyze, draw conclusions, and present answers.

#2. Take Practice Tests

Practice tests are an excellent way to get familiar with the real GED test. You will learn your strengths and weaknesses as well as the format of the exam. Take several practice tests throughout the study process to check how much you are progressing.

Interestingly, the GED website also has a provision for an online practice test question.

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#3. Schedule Your Test

You must schedule your test in advance online. There is no strict timeline as to when you must take the exam, so be sure to choose a date and time when you’ll feel alert and prepared.

The four GED exam subjects can be taken separately, or all at once, depending on your preference. Tests are taken at a testing centre somewhere near you. To schedule your test:

  • Log into your GED account here
  • Choose which test subjects you want to take
  • Select the test date and time that works best for you
  • Pay for the test with a debit or credit card

#4. Taking the Test

It is a normal feeling to get a little nervous on the day of the test. To fight nervousness, make sure you’ve prepared yourself by getting plenty of sleep and eating a healthy meal before you enter the exam centre. Eliminate the chance of being late by checking out the test site in advance. Make sure you know where to park and how to get to the testing centre.

Review the rules of the test and bring a snack to pull out during the allotted break times. By following these tips, you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

Job Outlook With my GED Certificate

Passing the GED exam will earn you a state high school diploma and recognition that you have a high school level of education. 

If you’re hoping to get a better job or higher degree, the GED is recognized and accepted by nearly all U.S. colleges, employers, and universities. Passing the GED exam can give you better opportunities for work in the future. And don’t think that you’re alone in preparing for or wanting to earn your GED.


After going through this article, we believe that your questions were correctly answered and many other. Therefore, if you have an interest in obtaining a GED it is advised you go for it as it has high significance. Also if there is any other question you have that is unanswered do well to utilize our comment box below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can GED be done online?

The official online proctored GED test can only be taken through GED Testing Service at

Is the GED hard to pass?

The GED test is hard because it is very time-pressured. However, if you prepare with good resources, the GED is quite easy.

What is the easiest GED test?

The easiest of all four GED test subjects is Reasoning Through Language Arts which requires only reading excerpts, showing understanding, drawing conclusions, and writing clearly.

What is the minimum age requirement for taking the GED test?

The minimum age here is 19. Applicants 16, 17, or 18 years old may qualify to take the GED test as well but only under strict conditions

How much does the GED test cost?

The GED test costs $75 USD per subject.

What are the GED four subjects?

They are; Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.

Do fake GED certificates work?

Fake certificates hold no value. Therefore, if students use a fake GED credential or high school diploma, they can get kicked out of school or lose their job. It is definitely not worth the risk. A real GED is worth it.

How many times can you retake the GED test?

There is no restriction to the number of times you can take a GED test.

Can a GED get you into college?

Yes! 98% of colleges accept applicants with a GED.

How many questions are on the GED Math Test?

The GED math test consists of 46 questions. Some of the many question types include multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, hot spot, and fill-in-the-blank.

How many subjects do you need to pass GED?

Four subjects.

What is the GED passing score?

The GED test has a passing score of 145 for each test subject. To earn your high school equivalency, you’ll need to score 145 or higher on all four subjects.

How Much Does it Cost to Enrol for a GED Exam?

The price for the GED test registration varies with respect to location. Although, the cost can be as low as $45 as is the case in Maryland. The typical fees are $120 for all four tests or $30 for each of the four subject tests.

How Long Does it Take to Get a GED?

How long it takes to get your GED certificate all depends on your skill level and education. On average, it takes up to 3 months. Although, it can be faster depending on how prepared you are for the exam.

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